Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Unit Four: Assignment One: Preview Reflection Blog Post: Fights

Like most siblings my older brother and I often fight over matters that in hindsight seem inconsequential. But, our fights tend to be different. After all, we're "different", I have Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder and Jon has Asperger's Syndrome. Though the disorder's are similar we often clash because we both are certain we're right no matter what.
The latest argument we had was started as usual over a silly matter; I wanted to turn the lights off because I'm photosensitive and Jon wanted them left on because he doesn't like the dark. After we yelled at each other for quiet a while our mother intervened and told Jon to turn off the lights and turn on the lamp in the corner. It was dim enough that my eyes didn't hurt but Jon wasn't satisfied with the compromise and fumed for the rest of the day.
This particular fight didn't lead to much but our worse fights are rather personal and I'm not really comfortable talking about them where anyone can read them. So that's it our relationship stayed the same and all I learned was to ask nicely to turn the light off.

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